Steps to Application

Step 1: Qualification 

Review the SKFF guidelines to determine whether your organization and program/project are something that furthers and supports the mission of the Stamm Koechlein Family Foundation.

Step 2: Grant application 

Visit the ONLINE APPLICATION (available May 15 – June 30 each year), and fill it out in its entirety following the directions and time frame for submission. After application submission, the applicant will receive confirmation from SKFF that the grant was received via an automatic email from Google. 

Step 3: Application evaluation 

Once a full grant application is received, the SKFF Board will carefully evaluate the proposal during the months of July and August. During this time, your organization might be contacted for additional information. 

Step 4: Letter of determination

Each applicant will either receive a letter of acceptance or declination based on the decision of the Board.